Time for an oil change?

I was recently catching up with a friend who was interested in what our seasonal retreats were like. As I described some of the intention behind them as wanting to offer accessible opportunities for people to recharge and refresh spiritually using the seasons as timely reminders – she pointed out that it was like getting an oil change in your car. “Yes! That’s it exactly!”

Just like regular maintenance for a car keeps it running smoothly and helps catch issues before they become expensive problems, taking seasonal retreats or breaks from the routine of life help us to reconnect with the purpose that drives our lives. It gives us a chance to realign with what really matters to us and to name the challenges that have come our way. Sometimes it helps us see that there are bigger issues we have been ignoring that need specific attention. Sometimes it helps us tune into the gratitude in our lives more fully, or simply invigorates us for the ups and downs of daily life.

So, if you’re looking for an “oil change for the soul” – consider joining us October 27th! And then maybe January 19th. Caring for ourselves has a rippling impact in our relationships and the work we do in the world. REGISTER HERE.

And if you need an oil change in your car – consider a visit to the friendly, helpful folks at Boyd Automotive!


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